Friday, April 29, 2011

No sleep and bum outfits!

Last night I got 2 hours of sleep. I had an exam yesterday, got home with just enough time to make index cards for my other exam today. And then my sister and my friend dragged me out to see FAST FIVE! Let me tell you though, it was such an amazing movie, and by far the best one of all the fast and the furious movies! So it was worth it right? I got home at 3am, and  went to sleep close to 4 and fell right asleep like a baby with my zebra print covers. It was nice.... but i had to get up at 6 to get ready for school and my exam at 8! So i couldn't even sleep on the train ride there, i studied. I only had 2 hours of sleep. I am exhausted! I'm wondering if i'd be less tired if i didn't sleep at all...

When I don't get much sleep or barely any, I usually dress down... so my outfit for today looked like this:
that is what dressed down looks like for me. Although i am wearing jeans (which is VERY rare), i have a hoodie on.... or whatever you want to call that. The sweater thing with a zipper and a hood from victoria's secret. I normally call that a sweater but only because in polish we call all those things a sweater! teeheehee. And since I didn't want to wear my hair down, it's tied in a low side ponytail, with a  hat on top. So i don't look too bummed out right? I hope not, i hate feeling like i look horrible!

Hope you all had more hours of sleep than I did!
Jeans and sweatshirts, 
xoxo, Lina

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